function clickCounter() { if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { if (localStorage.clickcount) { localStorage.clickcount = Number(localStorage.clickcount)+1; } else { localStorage.clickcount = 1; } document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "you applied makeup " + localStorage.clickcount + " times"; } else { document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support web storage..."; } }


hey dear! happy to see you
this is where you can learn more about me and the art commissions i offer
keep an eye for updates both here and on my socials, i'm always trying to create new exciting things ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱

commission status
mar.27 ❤︎ resuming comms


age: 27 years old

birthday: february 28th

astrology: ♓︎ pisces sun, ♍︎ virgo rising, ♈︎ aries moon

fav game: FFXIV

i grew up having cute blogs and playing flash games in the late 2000s, which heavily influences my art style nowadays. i love all things girly and fashion, often creating moodboards on pinterest and making my surroundings aesthetically pleasing

var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible"); var i; for (i = 0; i < coll.length; i++) { coll[i].addEventListener("click", function() { this.classList.toggle("active"); var content = this.nextElementSibling; if (content.style.display === "block") { content.style.display = "none"; } else { content.style.display = "block"; } }); }

꒰ neocities page ꒱

the artist

you can call me dawkie!i’m a freelance girly artist from brazil who loves painting soft colored pieces of original characters in modern scenarios, with a hint of Y2K flash games nostalgiai started my digital art journey in 2021, which is now my main medium, but I've loved doing traditional art since childhoodi also love depicting niche aesthetics such as cottagecore, coquette etc and I'm always experimenting with different styles, even pixel art


  • Price upon discussing idea as it might increase depending on complexity

headshot/bust (base price)$60
half-body (base price)$80
full body (base price)$100
  • Headshot with decorative elements

  • Can be made as Twitch screens

base price (still character + 3 elements)$80
extra element+ $5 each
blinking animation+ $20
  • Want something that's not listed here? Contact me with the idea!

pixel chibi

  • Background and animation can vary in complexity

character only$40
simple background+ $10
complex background+ $60
animation+ $30

environmental illustration

  • Full scenario with or without character inserted

  • Can be made as Twitch screens

  • Price upon discussing idea

base price$280


Would you like anything that wasn't listed here?
Contact me with what you have in mind!

  • PNGtuber

  • Header/banner

  • Reference sheet

  • Carrd template

terms of service

  • I take full payment beforehand via Paypal or Ko-fi

  • I ask for 2 weeks to complete your commission

  • Wait time might increase depending on queue

  • I will not draw NSFW or offensive content

  • I prefer drawing female characters

  • No refunds, be sure before proceeding

  • Do not claim my art as your own

  • I reserve the right to share your finished piece on my socials

  • I reserve the right to refuse any requests

Important: all listed prices might be adjusted depending on complexity of design

  • Contact me with your references and type of commission

  • I'll reply to confirm details and settle payment

  • Once the payment is complete, I'll add you to queue

  • Check the status update of your commission here


duskvtuber modelfinished
cheenie7/7 emotesfinished
naychibi YCHfinished
asyachibi YCHfinished
lemon3/3 emotesfinished
tankemote rafflefinished
sky1/1 emotefinished
tokyotwitter bannerfinished
dusktwitch alertsfinished
sharecarrd templatefinished
scythefull body reffinished
harmonyfull body reffinished
lunafull body reffinished
dusk2/2 emotesfinished
paytonportrait rafflefinished
ivyfull character reffinished
lux2/2 emotesfinished
yumecozy drink YCHfinished
yumecozy drink YCHfinished
sylvcozy drink YCHfinished
duskemote rafflefinished
missmomocozy drink YCHfinished
sharecozy drink YCHfinished
victoriafanfest stickerfinished
sirencozy drink YCHfinished
violetcozy drink YCHfinished
hayucozy drink YCHfinished
sylvchibi YCHfinished
luxghostface YCHfinished
yumeghostface YCHfinished
kayghostface YCHfinished
hayutwitter bannerfinished
alibzcozy drink YCHfinished
moonsghostface YCHfinished
violetghostface YCHfinished
sophghostface YCHfinished
scytheenvironmental illustrationfinished
penelleavintage YCHfinished
lunabellevintage YCHfinished
briennevintage YCHfinished
fatekeeperrvintage YCHfinished
hinavintage YCHfinished
violetvintage YCHfinished
beksvintage YCHfinished
oatyvintage YCHfinished
nariellevintage YCHfinished
daenyvintage YCHfinished
mikovintage YCHfinished
daeny2/2 emotesfinished
penelleacozy drink YCHfinished
lunabellefancy YCHfinished
ayuyufancy YCHfinished
duskfancy YCHfinished
missmomofancy YCHfinished
beksfancy YCHfinished
savariafancy YCHfinished
lindsayfancy YCHfinished
hinochibi YCHfinished
violetvintage YCHfinished
mikocozy drink YCHfinished
sylvchibi YCHfinished
duskcozy drink YCHfinished
islithfancy YCHfinished
smolschibi YCHfinished
serii berryvintage YCHfinished
hannahcozy drink YCHfinished
sylvT-shirt YCHfinished
mikoT-shirt YCHfinished
floraT-shirt YCHfinished
lindsayT-shirt YCHfinished
ayuyuT-shirt YCHfinished
astaraT-shirt YCHfinished
briT-shirt YCHfinished
tenshiT-shirt YCHfinished
hina bunsT-shirt YCHfinished
laurenT-shirt YCHfinished
leanneT-shirt YCHfinished
aarixzzT-shirt YCHfinished
missmomoT-shirt YCHfinished
kimT-shirt YCHfinished
moonieT-shirt YCHfinished
merlinT-shirt YCHfinished
natkoT-shirt YCHfinished
roseT-shirt YCHfinished
ariT-shirt YCHfinished
daenyT-shirt YCHfinished
dragonqueenT-shirt YCHfinished
chieT-shirt YCHfinished
nathaxiexT-shirt YCHfinished
doeT-shirt YCHfinished
kesT-shirt YCHfinished
luxyenaT-shirt YCHfinished
ambyT-shirt YCHfinished
peachyT-shirt YCHfinished
khonaicon and bannerfinished
mikothemed full bodyfinished
samiethemed full bodyfinished
daeny01 emotefinished
esperanzathemed full bodyfinished
fayethemed full bodyfinished
duskenvironmental illustrationfinished
yumecomposition + animationfinished
missmomothemed full bodyfinished
hollythemed full bodyfinished
aria moonthemed full bodyfinished
daenythemed half bodyfinished
brefruit YCH (strawberry)finished
samiefruit YCH (cherry)finished
aria moonfruit YCH (blueberry)finished
peachyfruit YCH (peach)finished
lindseyfruit YCH (watermelon)finished
katelynthemed full bodyfinished
katelyncomposition + animationfinished
annaBFFs full bodyfinished
voronacomposition + animationfinished
jordythemed half-bodyfinished
millieraffle prizefinished
suhteavaicon + animationfinished
cloverheart glasses YCHfinished
sylvheart glasses YCHfinished
katelynheart glasses YCHfinished
dio-chanheart glasses YCHfinished
amizaheart glasses YCHfinished
ariheart glasses YCHfinished
yumepose sheetfinished
mermaidpose sheetfinished
annapose sheetfinished
alexacomposition + animationfinished
nyxthemed full bodyfinished
samflowerthemed full bodyfinished
cloverthemed full bodyfinished
hallieBFFs full bodyfinished
kaitbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
lil foxbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
lindsaybuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
missmomobuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
yazbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
lunarbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
naibuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
nyxbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
sorynbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
jupibuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
mikobuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
jolisbuild-a-plushie YCHfinished
mikothemed half-bodyfinished
emiraffle prizefinished
katelyncomposition + animationfinished
yazsurprise me - tier 1finished
esperanzasurprise me - tier 2finished
dianasurprise me - tier 4finished
cheyreference sheetfinished
ivyreference sheetfinished
lindsaysummer YCHfinished
naisummer YCHfinished
lil foxsummer YCHfinished
lunabellesummer YCHfinished
esperanzasummer YCHfinished
missmomosummer YCHfinished
phisummer YCHfinished
ambysummer YCHfinished
asamisummer YCHfinished
florasummer YCHfinished
sylvchibi girlfinished
ivychibi girlfinished
missmomopose sheetfinished
lindsaymirror animationfinished
bellereference sheetfinished
calliereythemed full bodyfinished
chaypixel art packfinished
miupixel art animationfinished
esperanzaloveheart YCHfinished
yazloveheart YCHfinished
lindsayloveheart YCHfinished
missmomoloveheart YCHfinished
lil foxloveheart YCHfinished
lil fox 2loveheart YCHfinished
atmospherialoveheart YCHfinished
renloveheart YCHfinished
samflowerloveheart YCHfinished
serienneloveheart YCHfinished
lulaxivloveheart YCHfinished
keeksloveheart YCHfinished
briloveheart YCHfinished
melonaloveheart YCHfinished
negamoonhimeloveheart YCHfinished
avesloveheart YCHfinished
jayloveheart YCHfinished
mikoloveheart YCHfinished
hanaloveheart YCHfinished
bellaloveheart YCHfinished
léahalf-body illustrationfinished
pixypixel art packfinished
GGpixel art portraitfinished
mikopixel art portraitfinished
pixypixel art portraitfinished
mistyeepixel art portraitfinished
jordyenvironmental illustrationfinished
dovecomposition + animationfinished
nynxieloveheart YCHfinished
lunahalf-body illustrationfinished
leahalf-body illustrationfinished
nynxiehalloween YCHfinished
léahalloween YCHfinished
missmomohalloween YCHfinished
lindsayhalloween YCHfinished
pixyhalloween YCHfinished
egosmarehalloween YCHfinished
florahalloween YCHfinished
bunniehalloween YCHfinished
samiehalloween YCHfinished
ambyhalloween YCHfinished
salhalloween YCHfinished
jordyhalf-body illustrationfinished
bubblepose sheetfinished
mikocomposition + animationfinished
florapose sheetfinished
negamoonhimepose sheetfinished
meemspose sheetfinished
lindsaythemed full bodyfinished
awowathemed half bodyfinished
lil foxthemed half bodyfinished
nessitahalf body + animationfinished
dianaicon + bannerfinished
léathemed full bodyfinished
missmomowreath YCHfinished
yazwreath YCHfinished
ashywreath YCHfinished
lindsaywreath YCHfinished
léawreath YCHfinished
plainwreath YCHfinished
nynxiewreath YCHfinished
lapinwreath YCHfinished
briwreath YCHfinished
vulpixwreath YCHfinished
kokomokiwreath YCHfinished
ivywreath YCHfinished
moonchiwreath YCHfinished
lenowreath YCHfinished
skaichannel animationfinished
cupidikohalf body (rush fee)finished
lunacouple half bodyfinished
samiethemed full bodyfinished


mikoreference sheetfinished
nixthemed full bodyfinished
luminahalf bodyfinished
chaypixel art twitch screenfinished
ivyreference sheetfinished
lil foxthemed full bodyfinished
jordysecret admirer YCHfinished
sorynsecret admirer YCHfinished
cheysecret admirer YCHfinished
kikisecret admirer YCHfinished
yazsecret admirer YCHfinished
ambysecret admirer YCHfinished
bellesecret admirer YCHfinished
nyxsecret admirer YCHfinished
shaniasecret admirer YCHfinished
starryxivsecret admirer YCHfinished
wunavalorsecret admirer YCHfinished
skaisecret admirer YCHfinished
salsecret admirer YCHfinished
lil foxsecret admirer YCHfinished
ashysecret admirer YCHfinished
dillysecret admirer YCHfinished
pixysecret admirer YCHfinished
samiesecret admirer YCHfinished
kasssecret admirer YCHfinished
merlinsecret admirer YCHfinished
lunathemed full bodyfinished
kaly viipfp + bannerfinished
awowasecret admirer YCHfinished
lenosecret admirer YCHfinished
zoeysecret admirer YCHfinished
bonbonsecret admirer YCHfinished
yuasecret admirer YCHfinished
valeriyasecret admirer YCHfinished
mega babysecret admirer YCHfinished
eggdropmoonsecret admirer YCHfinished
frosecret admirer YCHfinished
zerenahfull bodyfinished
moellapngtuber + togglesfinished
jordytwo char half bodyfinished
runaheadshot + blinking animationfinished
kirenvironmental illustrationlineart
lumimiparasol YCHfinished
chiizuparasol YCHfinished
khonaparasol YCHfinished
yazparasol YCHfinished
lindsayparasol YCHfinished
peachiiparasol YCHfinished
katparasol YCHfinished
chloeparasol YCHfinished
samflowerparasol YCHfinished
mystikiriparasol YCHnot started
hayleyparasol YCHnot started
starryxivparasol YCHnot started
mikoparasol YCHnot started
daenyparasol YCHnot started
glassesparasol YCHnot started
negamoonhimeparasol YCHnot started
naiparasol YCHnot started
quothparasol YCHnot started
dreamparasol YCHnot started
lil foxparasol YCHnot started
chiizuthemed half bodynot started
laereference sheetnot started